Friday, May 10, 2019

N. Hampshire Dems Give Most Support To Only 5 Candidates

The chart above reflects the results of a new Monmouth University Poll. The poll questioned 376 Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire between May 2nd and 7th, and has a margin of error of 5.1 points.

The most interesting part to me is that only 5 candidates have more than 2% support, and those 5 have cornered 77% of the support from base Democrats. They are Joe Biden (36%), Bernie Sanders (18%), Pete Buttigieg (9%), Elizabeth Warren (8%), and Kamala Harris (6%).

Also interesting is that the supporters of Bernie Sanders in 2016 have not flocked back to his campaign. In 2016, he got 60.14% of the Democratic primary vote in New Hampshire. His current 18% is far below that.

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