Saturday, April 11, 2020

Public Doesn't Agree With The GOP On Voting By Mail

The chart above reflects the results of a YouGov Poll -- done on April 9th of a national sample of 6900 U.S. adults.

The Democrats in the U.S. Congress (and in many states) would like to give all Americans the opportunity to cast their vote with a mail-in ballot. They don't believe voters should have to put their health (and possibly their lives) in danger to vote during this pandemic of Coronavirus.

Republicans, following Donald Trump's lead, disagree. Trump says their too much fraud that occurs with mail-in voting -- although there is no evidence to back up his claim. Republicans also believe that mail-in voting would help the Democrats. They understand that there are currently more Democrats than Republicans, and a huge voter turn-out tends to favor Democrats. That's why they have tried to suppress voter turnout in recent years, and opposing mail-in ballots is just another attempt by them to suppress voting.

But the public doesn't agree. Only 25% say mail-in voting would help Democrats more, while 75% disagree (with 7% saying it would help Republicans more, 43% saying it would help both parties equally, and 25% unsure it would help anyone).

1 comment:

  1. If the thuglicans allow the Post office to go bankrupt and get shuttered in September, as it is on path to do, these vote by mail issues will be irrelevent with out a post office to deliver ballots to voters or to then deliver them to vote counters


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