Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Some States Reopening As Virus Cases Still Climbing

Donald Trump wants the economy reopened, and he is urging states to do that. He is hoping that will cause a rebound of the nation's economy (and help his re-election efforts). Sadly, it looks like some Republican governors are going to give Trump what he wants.

Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina have all announced plans to reopen their businesses. But they are doing so inspire of the growing number of Coronavirus cases in their states. The charts above show the growth of cases in those states over the last couple of weeks. Note that none of the states show a leveling off of cases. In fact, the number of virus cases continue to grow in all four cases. (In South Carolina it looks like it is leveling off on the chart, but that is an illusion caused by no tests being done on some days, like 4/20).

These governor's are playing with fire. Their efforts to reopen businesses is likely to backfire on them, and increase the growth of the virus.

The charts were made using numbers from The COVID Tracking Project.

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