Wednesday, November 22, 2023

A Second Term For Trump Would Be Far Worse Than His First

Donald Trump is a fascist. And he's planning to destroy the democracy that most Americans love. That is the theme on cable TV (except for Fox) and in most major newspapers. I believe it.

Most of his heroes (Viktor Orban, Xi Jinping,  Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un) are dictators, and he is jealous of the power they wield (and he could not wield during his first term). He has made it clear in recent statements that he would act differently in a second term -- being even harsher on immigrants and on muslims, using the justice department to punish his political opponents, and ignoring constitutional curbs on presidential power.

Some (especially his fans) may say that he didn't destroy democracy during his first term, so why would we think he would do it in a second term. The answer is that the first term showed him where he failed and he has learned from that.

Donald Trump did not expect to be actually elected president in 2016. He was as surprised as most Americans when he won. And he was not prepared -- having to put together his cabinet and other officials quickly.

Trump made an erroneous assumption as he took office. He assumed that the presidency was more powerful than it actually is. While very powerful, it does have constitutional curbs. He also assumed that the people he chose to put in power would do anything he asked. He was wrong on both counts. Many of his appointees refused to violate the Condition on his behalf.

He does not plan to make the same mistakes again. Trump aides (on his behalf and likely at his direction) are busy looking for Trump sycophants to fill government offices if he is re-elected. People that are willing to ignore the Constitution to carry out his wishes and plans.

You might think the Supreme Court would not let him trash the Constitution. But even if the right-wing court ruled against him, he would just likely ignore Tham and do what he wants anyway. What power do they have to stop him?

Trump wants to be a dictator, and if re-elected, he will do everything he can (legal or not) to make that happen.



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