Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Maybe A Crushing Defeat Can Save The Republican Party

I am a progressive Democrat. I truly believe that progressive policies will make the United States a better country for everyone. But I also believe in our democratic system, and I understand that system must have two (or more) political parties to survive.

I also understand that most American voters are moderates. They want to solve the country's problems, but they want to do that in moderate steps. They are afraid of the extremism of both the right and the left.

For most of our history, we have had two parties that were willing to debate and compromise for the good of the country. Each of the parties has offered a counter-balance to keep the other party from becoming to extreme - and the voters liked that, using the electoral process to punish a party that became too extreme.

Unfortunately, the system is now out-of-balance. The Republican Party is now controlled by the radical right, and the racists, misogynists, homophobes, and xenophobes have seized control of it. They want to take the country backwards to a time when the white patriarchy ruled (and others had only partial or no rights). They are unwilling to compromise, and interested only in seizing an authoritarian power. They have become a danger to our democratic system.

This has resulted in a stalemate in our government. They refuse to compromise and Democrats refuse to let them make all the rules without compromising. And the country suffers.

We need to return to our two party system - two parties willing to debate and compromise for the good of the country. But how can we get there?

Some say that a Republican defeat will do that. I agree, but believe it must be a crushing and humiliating defeat. There must be no doubt that Americans reject the MAGA radical extremism.

If it is only a small defeat (with MAGA politicians retaining enough power to block all progress), it will not save the Republican Party. They will continue to follow their MAGA demagogue - Donald Trump. And will continue to hear about "stolen elections", and likely face the same thing again in 2028 (led by Trump or someone just like him). 

Only a massive turnout and a crushing defeat has a chance to bring most Republicans to their senses - making them opponents and not enemies (willing to once again debate and compromise to solve problems). America needs both Democrats and Republicans, but it doesn't need an extremist version of either.

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