To many christians worldwide, this is a very important weekend. This is the weekend they celebrate the resurrection of their savior and the promise this offers for all christians. I wish them well, and I hope the weekend turns out as they planned. All americans should be free to worship as they please.
But I must say a few words to the right-wing evangelicals:
a] Where the hell did you come up with the "gospel of prosperity"? This is the version of christianity that says it's perfectly acceptable to be rich and hoard that wealth. Isn't this exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught? Jesus said it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go to heaven. This is not a hard concept to understand. If you die rich, then you have not done all you could to help the less fortunate as Jesus wanted.
b] Where do you get all these ridiculous rules? Certainly not from Jesus. Jesus said there were only two rules - 1. love God with all your heart, and 2. love your neighbor as yourself. All other rules were made by men, especially Paul, who never met Jesus but had the audacity to speak for him, and really seemed to love making rules. Many evangelicals think drinking alcohol is a sin, but Jesus didn't believe this and even helped provide more wine for a wedding he was attending. Shouldn't christians be more interested in what Jesus wants them to do, than what Paul or some other man wants them to do?
c] Should you be judging your fellow man? Right-wing religious nuts are not only quick to judge their fellow citizens, but are prone to make vicious and unprovoked attacks on those they disagree with. I have news for you. You don't have to be a republican or a hatemonger to be a christian. In fact, I believe both to be detriments. The Bible says to not only love your fellow man, but to "judge not, lest you be judged". These are simple words. Why are they so hard to understand?
d] Get rid of the "gay" bashing. It just makes you look petty and vicious to attack people who are doing you no harm. It does not harm you or your marriage for a fellow citizen to live a different lifestyle. If you think it has harmed you, please, PLEASE, TELL ME HOW! And I don't want to hear that the Bible condemns homosexuality. The Bible also supports slavery. Times change, and so do opinions and beliefs.
e] There is no war on christianity!!! Only a con-man or a witless fool could claim there is. Over 80% of americans say that they are christians. The excutive branch and both houses of congress are controlled by your beloved republicans. Nearly every single elected official in both parties and on the national, state, and local level says he is a christian. There is no way you can claim to be a persecuted minority WHEN YOU HAVE ALL THE REINS OF POWER. The real minority in this country that is persecuted for religious reasons is the atheist community. Just ask yourself, could an atheist get elected in my district? I bet the answer is no regardless of where you live.
To all the real christians out there - HAPPY EASTER ! To all those who would use christianity for your own greed and hate-filled agenda, I hope you fail in all that you try.
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