Friday, March 02, 2012

Senate Chances Look Better For Democrats

The political punditry world has been saying for a while now that it could be difficult for the Democrats to hang on to their majority in the U.S. Senate. That's because they have more senators up for re-election in 2012 than the Republicans do -- and Congress is not very popular right now. But two things have happened in the last few days that has favored the Democrats.

The first is the announcement by Bob Kerrey that he will run for the Nebraska senate seat being vacated by blue dog Democrat Ben Nelson. It had been thought that the seat would surely be occupied by a Republican after the November election. That still might happen, but at least the Democrats have a fighting chance to hold on to that seat now. That's because Kerrey is the only Nebraska Democrat that might win.

The other thing that happened is the announcement by Senator Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) that she will not run for re-election this year. She probably could have been re-elected because she is a moderate who is not afraid to vote against Republicans when they go too far. But her retirement means that seat will very likely be filled by a Democrat now -- hopefully a progressive Democrat.

Thoise were two seats many thought were sure things for the Republicans. Now it looks like at least one of them will go to the Democrats, and possibly both.


  1. Olympia voted against the Blunt yesterday! The only GOP.. it is a shame to loose her and more of a shame that the climate in Washington is so destructive she couldn't stomach it. DEM Rep. Chellie Pingree has taken out papers to fight for Olympia's seat, as well as ex-gov Baldacci. It is imperative we have a congress that will work with Obama in his second term.

  2. Mitch McConnell, total slithering snake in the grass he is, will NEVER become Senate Majority Leader! Constipated assholes like him never can measure up to the task.

  3. I know we have some yellowdogs out there some where.


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