Monday, August 07, 2006

Kinky Opposes 'Futile Care' Law

In 1999, Texas passed the "Futile Care" law, which gave doctors and hospitals the right to end care without a family's permission, if they deem further care to be futile. If this is invoked, the family has 10 days to find another facility that will care for their loved-one. In the past 18 months, there have been 5 high-profile cases regarding this law in Houston alone.

Kinky has now come out against the law, and believes it should be repealed. Kinky said, "Doctors should advise, but families are the only ones who should be able to decide to withdraw care." Kinky went on to say that the decision should not be left up to, "bureaucrats, who screw up everything - even medical or spiritual bureaucrats." Kinky believes if agreement cannot be reached, then "throw it to the courts. At least courts don't have agendas."

Grandma has also come out against this law. She said the law was "government intrusion of the worst kind." Both Perry and Bell support the law, but think it needs some refining. Perry wants a legislative committee to examine the law to see how it can be improved. Bell says he favors reforming the law.

I'll have to agree with Kinky and Grandma on this one. It's hard enough for families losing a loved one, without the state coming in and making decisions for them that they disagree with. This law may have sounded good when it was proposed, but it just does not work in practice. It should be repealed.

1 comment:

  1. I think we pronounce that word GrandMAW in Texas.

    With extra emphasis on the 'boca'.


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