Friday, July 06, 2007

AG Abbott Actually Moves To Help Citizens !

Stepping out of character, and taking time off from his full-time job of helping corporations fleece the public, Attorney General Greg Abbott yesterday moved to actually help the citizens of Texas. On Thursday, the AG filed suit against Mannatech Inc. saying they were violating the law by claiming the dietary supplements they sell can cure diseases such as cancer, autism, Down syndrome and toxic shock syndrome.

Mannatech is a $400 million a year business located in Coppell, Texas that sells dietary supplements. There is nothing wrong with selling these supplements, but this company takes it a step beyond federal and state law. They train and encourage their associates to claim the supplements will cure various diseases and medical conditions.

By claiming to be a cure for medical conditions, they are committing fraud and taking advantage of desperate and ill people. There is no evidence that their supplements can cure anything. If there was evidence it would have been submitted to the FDA, so the items could be legally sold as a curative drug. But the truth is that they are far more interested in making money than helping or curing people.

I applaud the AG for taking this action to protect the citizens of Texas. But considering many of his other actions, I have to wonder if this action would have been taken if Mannatech had the foresight to have donated a couple of million dollars to Republican campaigns.

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