Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Clumsiness, Friends And A Good Hospital

I'm beginning to feel a little better, so I thought I'd try a little one-handed hunt and peck typing (not really too different from the two-handed hunt and peck I usually employ). Let me first apologize for having been gone so long.

My absence was due to my own clumsiness. I was leaving a resturant about a week and a half ago, and I tripped over my own feet (and they're not even that big). I fell and smashed my left elbow on the concrete sidewalk. The result was a very painful broken elbow that needed surgery and screws to repair.

The most humiliating aspect of the whole thing is that it was completely my fault. I was simply in too big a hurry to be careful.

Being new to my current city of residence, Amarillo, I knew nothing about the hospitals here. When the EMT's asked where I wanted to go, I said, "Just take me to a good hospital." They took me to Northwest Hospital, and I must say I wasn't disappointed. Everyone I came into contact with there was compassionate, competent and very professional. They did a great job.

There was one thing kind of unusual about the hospital though. Maybe it's just the "dirty old man" in me coming out, but I didn't see a single person there that was not good-looking. Every single nurse, doctor, technician, aide or other employee was a very attractive person. If ugly was covered by the 14th amendment, this hospital would have a huge lawsuit coming.

But the thing that made me feel the best was all of the posts and comments from fellow bloggers. You guys made me feel better than the pain pills did! I will not forget your kindness. I especially want to thank pdiddie of Brains and Eggs, McBlogger, salon of Somervell County Salon, Dos Centavos, Neil of Texas Liberal, calamus venenum and r. spacedark of Panhandle Truth Squad, cpmaz of Random Musings, and curious texan (a conservative commenter). You guys made me feel special during a difficult time.


  1. Just glad to hear you're on the mend!

  2. Welcome back JA!!

    If you ever find yourself getting really down about your clumsiness, ask me about the time I broke my wrist.

    You just might break something else laughing. :)

    Seriously, hope your recovery is quick and complete, and also that you have a happy 4th.



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