Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lesbian Gangs And Pink Pistols

For a long time, I've known that Bill O'Reilly likes to play fast and loose with the truth. But it now seems like he's gone even further into his own imaginary world -- a world where truth has no place.

On his June 21st broadcast, O'Reilly brought on an "expert" to claim that lesbian gangs, many of them carrying pink-colored pistols, are terrorizing our country. The expert said these gangs are operating nation-wide, beating men, raping women and indoctrinating young children into the homosexual lifestyle. The expert claimed that there are 150 of these lesbian gangs in the Washington DC area alone.

Of course, these accusations are nothing but outrageous lies. The lies have already been exposed by many gay and feminist blogs, so I won't bore you with more details of O'Reilly's fantasy journey that night (if you haven't read of this, go to SPLC's excellent website).

I was interested in what kind of expert would go on nationwide television and spread such ridiculous lies. His name is Rod Wheeler (pictured above) and he claims to be an expert on crime and criminal justice issues. He has been a guest expert over 500 times on Fox, MSNBC and Court TV.

One would think he must have a pretty impressive resume to have been called upon that many times for his expertise, right? Well let's examine that resume for a moment and see just how much of a criminal justice expert he really is.

Turns out that he has only seven years experience as a police officer, and was suspended from the force for testing positive for marijuana (I knew he had to be smoking something to come up with such outrageous lies). Spending seven years as a police officer is not nearly enough to qualify anyone as an "expert" in crime and criminal justice issues.

Most of the rest of his career was spent in the security department of the McDonald's Corporation, protecting their hamburgers from terrorists. He claims to have identified 250 points where a Big Mac is vulnerable to terrorist attack during production. Who knew the terrorists were after second-rate hamburgers?

Wheeler currently works for the American Institute of Baking, where he identifies himself as a "food defense specialist". I guess that means he's now protecting our sweet rolls and muffins from the terrorists.

Wheeler is also a member of the Jericho City of Praise -- an ultra-fundamentalist church that is openly and rabidly anti-homosexual. This explains where his anti-gay attitude comes from.

Wheeler has not earned and does not deserve to be called an expert on crime and criminal justice issues. He is simply a poser with an agenda, who will say anything to get on TV.

I would say O'Reilly needs to be more careful about the "experts" he chooses, except I believe he was careful in his choice. He carefully chose the person who would tell him what he wanted to hear.

What an evil joke both O'Reilly and Wheeler are!

1 comment:

  1. Ummm..."lesbian gangs and pink pistols"??

    If that isn't from a porn movie (I'd *love* to see the list of this guy's DVD rentals), it soon will be.

    Oh, and calling the Big Mac a "second-rate hamburger" is giving wayyyy too much credit. It's fourth rate, at best.



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