Thursday, June 11, 2009

Throwing Away A Million Dollars

If true, this is an incredible story (and I have no reason to believe it's not true). It seems an Israeli woman bought her mother a new mattress as a surprise present. Having no use for the old mattress, she threw it in the garbage. Sounds like a nice gesture doesn't it?

The only problem is that her mother was using her old mattress as a bank. She told the Associated Press that the mattress contained her life savings -- nearly a million dollars in American dollars and Israeli shekels. She said she kept the money in a mattress because of past "traumatic experiences with banks".

The women rushed out to the trash, but garbage collectors had already picked it up. The family and garbage collectors are now trying to search the dump for the mattress. That's not an easy task since the dump receives 2,500 tons of garbage each day.

I'll bet this is one lady who'll never throw anything else away without asking first.

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