Sunday, August 02, 2009

Are Sarah And Todd Palin Splitting Up ?

A few weeks ago, Sarah Palin announced that she was resigning as governor of Alaska. Her speech at that time, detailing why she was doing it, was almost incoherent. It simply didn't make any sense, and many people thought there was another shoe yet to drop.

If what we're hearing now is true, then it may be starting to make some sense. Alaska Report, The Immoral Minority and Dammit Janet are all reporting that Sarah and Todd Palin are splitting up and will probably divorce. They tell us the marriage has been going downhill since the National Enquirer article detailing their previous affairs was published. For right now, they don't want to make the break-up official for financial reasons.

It seems that Sarah has not been wearing her wedding ring (which she was never seen without during the campaign) for about three weeks now. She supposedly threw it into an Alaskan lake. On the day she officially resigned, she and the kids left after her speech on June 26th (where she officially resigned) without her husband Todd. It is rumored that she has bought some land in Montana and wants to move down there with the kids.

Also lending credence to the story is the fact that Todd told Fox News last week thats he's going back to his job in the Alaskan oilfields. Why would he go back to a job like that after his wife just got an $11 million dollar book deal?

It also looks like Palin was misuseing her position as governor right up until the end. The District Attorney has been delaying the trial of Levi's mother, Sherry Johnston. That's because he wanted to negotiate a plea with her attorney, but Palin was putting pressure on for Ms. Johnston to get the maximum punishment (just one more in a long list of ethics violations). Now the court date has been moved back to August 19 to give the attorneys time to negotiate.

A story is also fixing to break about Todd pulling a gun on Levi Johnston in the summer of 2008. I'm starting to think the Palin family makes Peyton Place look like children's theater.


  1. Anybody spreading this rumor is a tool- and should be ashamed of themselves... talk about desperate! Hard watching the Dear Leader crash-n-burn, I guess-

    And what did Palin say?

    "Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd? I may be just a renegade hockey mom, but I’m not blind!"

    And Palin’s resignation obviously puts yet more pressure on Obama to finally get some results, as the soaring rhetoric isn’t hypnotizing the plebes like it used to… and now there’s another viable alternative waiting in the wings.

    Alaska was a pretty corrupt system until she stepped in. Her reforms took on entrenched politicians (inc. Republicans), a mafioso-style union boss, and Big Oil.

    Wouldn’t it have been nice if Obama had been principled and brave enough to confront the corrupt Chicago Democratic Machine? Or shady political operators like Tony Rezko? Racist preachers? Instead of doing business with every last one of them?

    IMO Palin could trounce him in 2012, when Americans would vote for the Gipper-in-Heels in droves- they’ll surely being looking for such an antidote to the Bolshevik con-artist who’s currently taking a wrecking-ball to this society.

    No wonder the far-left moonbats -along with Team Obama’s David Plouffe and his internet squads- are out to destroy her.

    Go get em ‘Cuda-

  2. I guess we shall see. I would love to see Palin run in 2012, but I don't think even the Republicans are that stupid.

  3. I received the following e-mail from Simon Owens of Bloggasm:

    Hey Ted,

    I read your post today mentioning the story coming out of Alaska Report claiming that Sarah and Todd Palin are getting a divorce. I managed to track down the guy who wrote that story and he still stands by his reporting despite the fact that the Palin's are denying it, even claiming that he has more evidence to prove it:

    Anyway, I thought this was something you and your readers would find interesting.

    take care,

  4. Palin divorce rumors just business as usual from the enemies of a real conservative GOP

    The Democrat left and GOP elites fear Palin’s popularity with conservative voters as well as her independence from their control and direction. They have done all they can do to destroy her marriage, family, children and her vision for America and will continue to do so.

    To the GOP neocon establishment who have trashed and attacked Sarah Palin, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff and other potential Republican candidates far more than the liberal Democrats, your attacks just increase the popularity of Sarah and the Palin For President in 2012 website effort at where we answer “Why They Hate Sarah”.

  5. jobsanger,
    Posting something on any number of left-wing blogs doesn't make it so, no matter how hard you wish it to be true.

    Case in point: On May 13, 2006, Jason Leopold of the blog "truthout" ran a post entitled Karl Rove Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators.

    Not "Karl Rove May be Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators."

    Not "Karl Rove Could be Indicted on Charges of Perjury, Lying to Investigators"

    Nowhere else - not in the mainstream media, not on the Internet - absolutely no one was reporting this as fact - except of course other gullible left-wing blogs citing Leopold as their source.

    Three years later, we're still waiting for the indictment. And three years from today, we'll still be waiting for the Palins to file for divorce.

    To your credit, at least you posed it in the form of a question.

    Your obsession with the former governor of Alaska, coupled with your hopeful reporting about her and Todd breaking up, makes me wonder if you're harboring some kind of fantasy that ...


  6. " Why would he go back to a job like that after his wife just got an $11 million dollar book deal?"

    Hmm. That's a good question. Let me propose a few explanations.

    1) Being an outdoorsman, Todd Palin may actually enjoy working in the oilfields. What a concept, huh? Living to work, rather than working to live. I once told my boss (much to my wife's chagrin)that if I ever won the lottery, I'd continue to work for him for $1 a year.

    2) Between his fishing business, his work in the oilfields, and his snow machine racing, Todd has always been his own man. I seriously doubt if he would be satisfied with just being Mr. Sarah Palin.

    3) Todd Palin has always been a productive member of society. It's how he derives his self-esteem, and I suspect it's one of the things that his wife Sarah loves most about him. When Sarah was governor, he was enough of a man to help out at home with the kids. Now that Sarah will be working on her book (something she can do from home), Todd is not going to just sit around and be a leech on his wife and society.

    4) Throughout their long and successful marriage, Todd and Sarah Palin have been secure enough in their love for each other to be able to survive (no, make that thrive) on separations. It's all about trust - having more trust in themselves than in such paragons of truth as the National Enquirer - or bloggers in the Texas Panhandle, for that matter.

    Todd and Sarah Palin have been under an enormous amount of stress, pressure and scrutiny for the last year - more than any couple should have to endure. Will their marriage break under the stress? I suppose it's possible, but I'm betting on them to weather the storm.


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