Saturday, August 01, 2009

Spector / Manson - Prison Buddies ?

Even though I knew they were both in prison (and I doubt either one will get out), I have to admit I never thought of Charles Manson and Phil Spector as becoming buddies. But evidently, that is exactly what Manson wants.

Manson has always considered himself something of a musician and songwriter (although if you've heard his music, it's pretty awful). Maybe he thinks an association with record producer Phil Spector will help his sad dream of becoming something in the music business.

Spector's wife, Rachelle, says her husband has received a note from Charles Manson. She said, "A guard brought Philip a note from Manson, who said he wanted him to come over. He said he considers Philip the greatest producer who ever lived. It was creepy. Philip didn't respond."

Spector's publicist, Hal Lifson, said, "Phil Spector has been very, very alarmed and scared at the notion of Charles Manson contacting him for any reason. Phil mentioned that he used to get phone calls from John Lennon and Tina Turner and now it's Charles Manson calling, so he said, 'Go figure.'"

It figures that Spector is afraid of Manson (although both are now frail old men). Spector's forte is threatening women with a gun. It's a little different dealing with a truly evil person unarmed.

I doubt that the two will ever really become buddies. Spector's too big a wuss, and Manson's music is beyond help. But it is humorous to think of the two getting together.


  1. The story is not true its a publicity stunt. Manson and Spector are not even in the same building. Spector is being held in a special substance abuse prison ward 4 miles from PHU where Manson resides. The CA Prison authorities have investigated and found no evidence of any note and Spector nor his people will produce the note. There is speculation that Spector is doing this so that he does not go to PHU which is real restrictive.

  2. Apparently, the cell block where Manson is being held is reserved for high-profile prisoners, so it would make sense that Spector would be there at some point. I remember a news item from back when there was a chance that Michael Jackson would be spending the 2010s in prison instead of in Hell. The upshot of the piece was that Jackson might be Manson's new neighbor. I was in a summer writing program for teachers and I wrote a little short story called "Charlie + Michael 2Gather 4Ever". Some of the primary teachers in the program didn't find the story particularly amusing.

  3. Hitler's paintings were "pretty awful" as well. But, you know, maybe if everyone had just PRETENDED to like them...

  4. A manson/spector xmas album for b.o.


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