Tuesday, December 01, 2009

TYC Official Is Indicted

Back in September, Governor Rick Perry appointed Dallas ex-judge Catherine S. Evans to be the new Ombudsman for the Texas Youth Commission. The Ombudsman is supposed to be the voice of the juvenile inmates in the TYC system -- the person who checks to see that TYC follows the rules and doesn't abuse its young wards.

Sadly, Ms. Evans had not worked in that position for even a month before she was caught smuggling a weapon (knife) into the Crockett State School -- a facility of the Youth Commission that incarcerates juveniles convicted of serious felony crimes. This is not a minor offense. All TYC employees are clearly informed before assuming their duties that carrying a weapon or drugs into the facility is a felony, and will be dealt with as such.

Obviously, Ms. Evans thought that her being a judge and a political appointee of Governor Perry set her above the rules. She was wrong. Carrying a weapon inside a TYC facility would even be a felony crime for the governor himself.

Yesterday, an indictment from Houston County was unsealed. The indictment charges Catherine Evans with a felony of Carrying A Weapon Into A Juvenile Facility. If convicted, she could face a sentence of 2-10 years in a Texas penitentiary.

Ms. Evans said she "forgot" the knife was in her purse (a claim that would not work for any other TYC employee and should not work for her). She has also submitted her resignation to the governor, and he has accepted it.

I hope the governor does a better job with his next appointment. TYC has had enough problems without bad political appointees.

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