Saturday, September 18, 2010

Americans Ready For New Political Parties

It's no secret in this election year that Americans are fed up with politics as usual.   And they are not just angry with the party that happens to be in power.   They are angry with both parties.   The news media wants to credit the teabaggers with this distrust of politicians, but that's not what's happening.   The teabaggers are upset, but they are just an angry batch of right-wingers (who are Republican voters), and their unhappiness is based on race and right-wing ideology.

It's not ideology that has Americans upset.   It's the economy and the millions of jobs that have disappeared.   The vast majority of Americans just want someone to fix the economy, and they don't really care if the fix comes from right-wingers or left-wingers.   And they are unhappy enough to go to a third party if the Republicans and Democrats don't stop their political in-fighting and do something to help ordinary Americans.

The Gallup Poll conducted a survey between August 27th and 30th of 1,021 adults that showed just how disgusted with the Republicans and Democrats most of America is.   They asked poll respondents -- Do the current two parties do an adequate job of representing the people or is a third party needed?   Here is what they said:

Third party is needed...............58%
Current parties OK...............35%

And lest you think this is just the teabagger element saying this, here are the figures from those who like, dislike and are neutral about the teabaggers.   As you can see, all three elements want to see a third party.

Third party needed...............62%
Not needed...............30%

Third party needed...............51%
Not needed...............44%

Third party needed...............59%
Not needed...............34%

And this desire for a new third party cuts across all the ideological lines.   Liberals, moderates, and conservatives would all like to see a third party (and surprisingly, the figures are higher for liberals and moderates than for conservatives).   Independents have the highest desire of all for a third party.


The Republicans and Democrats had better wake up and pay attention.   The American people are disgusted with both of them.   If they don't stop putting their own electoral chances and corporate interests before what is good for the people of this country, they could find themselves tossed on the trash bin of history beside the Whig Party.

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