Thursday, March 03, 2011

Fox News Has Ethics ?

This is a surprise. After years of slanting the news and outright lying to help their buddies in the Republican Party, Fox News all of a sudden wants to act like it has some ethics. They announced that they are suspending two of their paid analysts -- Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum. They said they were suspending them because they might run for the presidency.

They have been suspended for the next 60 days. If they announce their candidacy (or do nothing) by the end of that 60-day period, they will be terminated. The impression given is that they will be re-instated if they announce they are not running. I think that a load of crap. They're just getting rid of a couple of guys they consider to be dead weight -- who aren't real popular with their viewers.

I say that because they are not suspending Sarah Palin or Mike Huckabee. Palin and Huckabee are just as close to being official candidates as Santorum and Gingrich -- none of them have declared their candidacy, but all four are very likely to run. If Fox News was really concerned about the perception they are showing support for possible candidates they would suspend all of them. But that's a silly idea anyway. They have been giving as many Republican candidates as they can as big a forum as possible in the last few years (and even paying some of them), and they haven't really tried to hide that -- until now.

It's a little late for Fox News to suddenly start trying to act like they have ethics. No one outside of their teabagger viewing base is going to believe that.

1 comment:

  1. Like I said Fox News is the Best and you suck!!!!


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