Saturday, April 23, 2011

So Many Wars

Political Cartoon is by Jack Ohman in The Oregonian.


  1. Just how exactly is Madalyn O'Hair would be considered a hero? Your logic escapes me. In my opinion the fact that this country has strayed from God, who is this countries strength, is the reason we the people are facing being taken over by others. Please explain your logic?

  2. She's a hero because she stood up to defend the constitutional principles of freedom of religion (which includes the right to be free from religion) and separation of church and state. And she did this in spite of widespread criticism.
    You (and others) have the right to believe as you want, but you do not have the right to try and force your beliefs on others -- especially school children.
    She defended our constitutional democracy against those who would turn this country into a theistic dictatorship.


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