Saturday, April 02, 2011

Trent Franks Has Lost His Damn Mind !

The Republican delegation in Washington seems to be full of crazy teabagger politicians these days with people like Michele Bachmann (Minnesota), Peter King (New York), Steve King (Iowa), Louie Gohmert (Texas), and Paul Broun (Georgia), just to name a few. But as nutty as these politicians are (and they are truly fringe right-wing nuts), there is an Arizona politician who seems to be trying to win the crown for worst legislator in Washington -- Rep. Trent Franks (Arizona).

Franks had already established himself as a racist and misogynist. That happened when he compared giving women control over their own bodies to slavery (and decided that slavery wasn't nearly as bad). He really brought the crazy when discussing a woman's right to choice he said, "Far more of the African-American community is being devastated by the policies of today, than were being devastated by the policies of slavery."

That was something of a feat -- to prove himself both a racist and a misogynist in a single sentence. And the very idea that giving African-American women control over their own bodies is worse than keeping African-Americans in slavery is breathtakingly idiotic and morally repugnant. But he didn't stop there.

Franks had to compound his idiocy by throwing in some homophobia. When a court ruled the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional and the president told the Department of Justice not to appeal the decision, Franks went ballistic. He was sure that allowing same-sex couples to marry was going to destroy the institution of marriage (although he is unable to explain how this would happen), and he joined some of his House colleagues in saying they would appeal the ruling themselves.

That gave Franks the idiot's trifecta -- racism, misogyny, and homophobic bigotry. But he was still not satisfied. He decided to add incredible stupidity to the trifecta. He is now convinced (or says he is) that the United States could not survive as a nation if President Obama was elected to serve a second term. Here are his exact words:

President Obama has been the most pro-abortion president in the history of the country. And so his commitment to family is already in serious doubt. But to then say he won’t defend the law that protects marriage itself, it shouldn’t surprise us, I suppose. But it just further indicates that he is a left-wing ideologue of the first magnitude, and if we don’t understand that now, then I’m afraid that somehow he may get back in in two years, and I don’t know that the country can survive that.

Amazing! I don't really know how this fool could get any worse without coming out in favor of genocide (and at this point that wouldn't surprise me). But let me reassure the teabagging fool. This nation survived a civil war, two world wars, and eight years of George W. Bush as president. Another term for Barack Obama is not going to bring the nation to it's knees.

I am left to wonder about the majority of voters in Arizona's 2nd District though. What is wrong with you people? Trent Franks? Really? Surely you can do better than that!

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