Friday, March 02, 2012

Romney Takes Wyoming (Sort Of)

For the last three weeks the state of Wyoming has been in the process of holding local Republican caucuses to choose delegates to go to bigger conventions -- and ultimately the state convention. It is at the state convention that the final delegates will be chosen, but last Wednesday the state party released the results of the straw poll from the caucuses -- and that gives us a rough idea of who will get the state's 29 delegates. Here are the results of the caucus polling:

Mitt Romney...............39%
Rick Santorum...............32%
Ron Paul...............21%
Newt Gingrich...............8%

That means, while Romney can claim a "victory", he will probably wind up with less than half of Wyoming's delegates. That's just another sign that this is going to be an extended campaign for the Republicans.

Meanwhile, there is one more poll showing Wall Street Willie (Willard Mitt Romney) could well have a hard time on Super Tuesday (March 6th). The poll shows Santorum with a huge lead in Tennessee. Here are the numbers:

MTSU POLL (Tennessee)
Rick Santorum...............40%
Mitt Romney...............19%
Newt Gingrich...............13%
Ron Paul...............11%

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