Friday, March 02, 2012

They Just Get Crazier Each Day

We've known for quite a while now that the right-wing had a tenuous grip on reality at best. They opposed tax fairness, in spite of the fact that it was supported by their own hero, Ronald Reagan. They opposed Obama's health care reform, even though he just adopted a plan proposed by the Republicans themselves during the Clinton administration. They continue their homophobic hatred of those different from themselves, even though another right-wing hero (Barry Goldwater) came out in favor of equality for all years ago.

The right-wing movement no longer has any real leaders, just hatred fueled by more hatred. Those who want to be leaders find they cannot set any agenda. All they can do is go along with the hatred to survive and be re-elected. And to do that they have raised the specter of a myriad of evils that many decent people in this country had thought we were finally starting to conquer -- racism, misogyny, homophobia, religious intolerance and xenophobia. Anyone who disagrees with them is labeled as an enemy of America.

I am truly starting to believe they have even lost the tenuous grip on reality they once had. Truth and common decency no longer matter as long as they can feed their hatred and perverted ideology -- and they don't care whether that ideology hurts or even causes the death of their fellow citizens (such as the willingness to deny even basic healthcare to others). They are now insane with hatred, and they get crazier every day -- especially as they see their chances of returning to power fading away. Consider the following examples.

Just yesterday, the U.S. Senate voted on whether to allow employers across the nation to deny contraception coverage to women (more than half of the population), ignoring the fact that more than 9 out of 10 women have used contraception (including fundamentalists, catholics, and right-wing Republicans). By opposing contraception they have declared war on all women. But it is even worse than that. That silly bill proposed by Republican Senator Blount would let employers make their own rules about all coverage -- by just claiming a religious exemption. Fortunately, the Democrats (and a couple of sane Republicans from Maine) voted to kill this bad idea.

But bad ideas and behavior abound on the right. In Montana, a U.S. District Judge appointed by George Bush in 2001, admits sending a racist e-mail to several of his cohorts. This is a man who is supposed to fairly represent ALL of the people, and yet he sent the following e-mail:

"Normally I don't send or forward a lot of these, but even by my standards, it was a bit touching. I want all of my friends to feel what I felt when I read this. Hope it touches your heart like it did mine.

"A little boy said to his mother; 'Mommy, how come I'm black and you're white?'" the email joke reads. "His mother replied, 'Don't even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you're lucky you don't bark!'"

The judge says he is not a racist, even though he admits the e-mail was racist in nature. He's obviously in denial. It doesn't matter whether he considers himself a racist or not. His actions have already defined him as racist. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is now investigating, but I have to wonder why. He admitted committing a racist act, and therefore is not qualified to hold a federal judgeship. He should resign.

Then we have North Carolina State Representative George Cleveland (a Republican) who said the following while testifying in a legislative hearing:

“We have nobody in the state of North Carolina living in extreme poverty.”

He cannot possibly believe such an outrageous thing. There is plenty of extreme poverty in his state (and in all other states). Denying it may make him feel better, but it also insures the poverty will continue (and sadly, affect thousands of children in his state). In fact, 17.5% of the people in North Carolina live in poverty -- and nearly 8% live in extreme poverty (728,842 people). Obviously this fool, elected to make things better for North Carolina citizens, simply doesn't care. His ideology is more important than his sacred duty to the people.

And we must not forget the insane fool who masquerades as a sheriff and a human in Maricopa County, Arizona. He ignores thousands of sexual offenses (many of them against children) and doesn't even perform a rudimentary investigation of them. That's because those victims were brown-skinned and he only recognizes whites as human (who deserve his attention). But he has time to investigate the president's birth certificate an issue long ago settled by mountains of evidence. He has now held a press conference, and accused the president of forging his birth certificate.

This fool even goes so far as to say that there is "probable cause" the president has committed a crime and should be impeached. A crime has been committed, but not by the president. It's called dereliction of duty, and it was committed by Sheriff Arpaio (and that's only one of his many crimes. It is to the eternal shame of a majority of Maricopa County citizens that they elected, and keep re-electing, this criminal fool.

And then we come to the death of the odious Andrew Breitbart. Even though his own people have said he died of natural causes, it took less than 24 hours before the accusations began to fly that he had been murdered by the president. Reality means nothing to these people. They long ago left reality behind.

There was a time in this country when the left and right could talk to each other and reach reasonable compromises. But you simply can't talk to people who no longer have any kind of grip on reality. And that's scary.

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