Saturday, March 03, 2012

Washington Caucuses Today

It's still three more days until the ten states of Super Tuesday go to the polls, but that doesn't mean nothing is happening until then. Today is the day that the Republicans in the state of Washington caucuses to determine who their choice will be for the presidential nomination. And it's looking like it could be very close between Willard Mitt Romney (Wall Street Willie) and Rick Santorum (Mr. Frothy). A couple of weeks ago a poll showed Santorum had the lead in Washington, but the race has tightened since then. The latest poll shows Wall Street Willie with a small lead. Here are those numbers:

Mitt Romney...............37%
Rick Santorum...............32%
Ron Paul...............16%
Newt Gingrich...............13%

Meanwhile, there are also new polls out for Georgia, Ohio, and Virginia. Gingrich still holds a substantial lead in Georgia, while the race in Ohio has tightened up and could go either way (between Santorum and Romney). There are only two candidates on the Virginia ballot (Romney and Paul), and write-in votes are not allowed. Here are the new numbers:

Newt Gingrich...............38%
Mitt Romney...............26%
Rick Santorum...............20%
Ron Paul...............7%

Rick Santorum...............33%
Mitt Romney...............31%
Newt Gingrich................15%
Ron Paul...............11%

Rick Santorum...............35%
Mitt Romney...............31%
Newt Gingrich...............17%
Ron Paul...............12%

Mitt Romney...............56%
Ron Paul...............21%

If all four candidates were on the Virginia ballot, the breakdown would be like this:
Mitt Romney...............31%
Rick Santorum...............27%
Newt Gingrich...............13%
Ron Paul...............12%

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