Tuesday, May 08, 2012

French & Greeks Vote Against Austerity

Europe has been led down the wrong road by the conservatives they put in power. These conservative leaders (especially Merkel in Germany, Sarkozy in France, and Cameron of the United Kingdom) did what the Republicans are trying to do in the United States -- they initiated a program of "austerity" for the European Union. They severely cut government services for most Europeans and cut taxes for the richest Europeans.

The result has been a disaster. Instead of bringing Europe out of recession, the austerity measures actually threw many European countries deeper into recession (like Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, the United Kingdom). But the people seem to have had enough of the austerity madness.

This last weekend, the French voters booted out Nicolas Sarkozy, one of the architects of European austerity, and replaced him with socialist Francois Hollande (pictured above). Mr. Hollande had campaigned against austerity. In Greece, the voters also booted the supporters of austerity out of power. They replaced the two ruling parties, who supported austerity, with a majority of parties opposed to austerity -- which will undoubtably result in a new anti-austerity government in Greece.

The right-wing government in the Netherlands was also recently booted out, and I doubt that Cameron in the United Kingdom can survive past his first term. Europe is turning against the insane policies of the conservatives. The 600 pound gorilla of the European Union, Germany, is still demanding that the austerity proposals agreed to must be followed and say they will refuse to renegotiate the terms, but they may soon have no choice. In fact, recent state elections in Germany show that Merkel's right-wing party may be in trouble in their next federal elections.

Europe is changing directions. They are starting to realize that austerity doesn't end recessions -- it just makes them worse. I hope that voters in the United States will wake up and come to the same realization, before the Republicans are able to push through more of their austerity measures -- measures that will further trash our own economy.

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