Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Romney Still Not Well-Liked By Voters

This chart shows a serious weakness with Willard Mitt Romney's campaign. That weakness is that many in his own party, people that say they will be voting for Romney, still don't like him very much. The only hope Romney has of keeping the base vote of his party is the hope that they dislike having an African-American president more than they dislike or distrust him. That is his only hope for getting them to the polls on election day.

Note that according to this George Washington University Battleground Poll (taken August 5th to 9th), the majority of those who say they will vote for the Republican candidate in November are actually voting against the president rather than voting for Romney (52%). Only 39% say they are voting for Romney. That tells me the majority think they will be voting for the lesser of two evils -- and if the Republicans think that, how is this going to play with the Independents?

Most of those who say they will be voting Democratic though, say they will be voting for President Obama -- not against Romney. Democrats (and the American people in general) like Obama. And I'd lot rather go into an election with a candidate that is well-liked than one that is not liked -- regardless of what the economy is like.

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