Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Award Goes To Missouri's Teabaggers

I was sure that the state of Texas was going to win the 2012 Award for Craziest Or Most Idiotic Politician. After all, we had a real contender in Ted Cruz. He won his GOP senate nomination by promising to defeat a nefarious plot by George Soros and the United Nations to outlaw golf courses in the United States. How could anyone top this noble defender of American golf courses? Even such stalwart teabaggers as Louie Gohmert and Rick Perry couldn't come up with anything that idiotic.

But alas, we have lost. The teabaggers of the state of Missouri have nominated a candidate for the United States Senate that is so breathtakingly stupid that he leaves all the other idiotic candidates in the dust. It is Rep. Todd Akin.

You have probably heard of Akin's latest pronouncement. He thinks women who are raped should not be given any choice of whether to have their rapist's baby or not. Why? He said he has been assured by doctors that women's bodies have a natural defense against becoming pregnant by rape, and that natural defense will kick in when there is a "legitimate" rape.

I must admit that I am a bit confused as to just what constitutes a "legitimate" rape. Aren't ALL rapes illegal? Maybe Akin could enlighten us on this point, and while he's at it, tell us who these doctors are that told him such a stupid thing (so the rest of us can avoid these "doctors" at all costs).

Of course, this mean and idiotic statement by Akin is no joking matter. He has denigrated the millions of women who have been raped in this country, and ridiculed the awful choice that far too many of them have to make. His vicious statement is so far over the line that many in his own party (the Republican Party, of course) are trying to distance themselves from him -- although the response from the Ryan/Romney campaign was rather tepid, saying only that they "disagreed" with Akin.

But while this is probably the most egregious and amazingly stupid of Akin's beliefs, it is by no means the only idiotic thing he believes. For instance, he believes the 17th Amendment (which provides for the direct election of senators) was a mistake and should be repealed. He also believes free lunches for school children, the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960's, and Medicare are all unconstitutional. He has also been one of the prime leaders against allowing equal rights for gays and lesbians. And he wants to pull the U.S. out of the United Nations.

I have to hand it to the Missouri teabaggers. They have nominated a senate candidate far and away stupider than any other in 2012. How can any state compete with their nomination of Akin? I do have a question for the other residents of Missouri though. You're not really going to elect this fool to be a United States Senator -- are you?

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