Monday, September 24, 2012

Willard Is The Champion Of Candidate Liars

You may think I'm exaggerating. After all, don't all candidates sometimes stretch the truth a bit -- even Democrats? Probably. But none of them are in a class with Willard Mitt Romney (aka Wall Street Willie). How dishonest is Willard? Well, it seems like every time he opens his mouth he tells a lie -- and he'll keep telling that lie long after the media has exposed it as a falsehood. But it's not just the audacity of his lies. It's also the quantity. In just the last 33 weeks, Willard has told at least 616 verified lies (which is an average of 18.67 lies each and every week). That's pretty incredible, and has to put in in a class by himself. If you have trouble believing this, you can go to The Maddow Blog where Steve Benen has listed and exposed all 616 lies. And amazingly, there's still over a month to go. How many more lies will Willard tell before election day?

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