Friday, October 12, 2012

More Republican Voter Fraud

The Republicans have been screaming long and loud about how we must prevent voter fraud in this country -- in spite of the fact that voter fraud among ordinary voters is extremely rare in the United States, and has never been shown to have affected a modern election. But I'm starting to understand why Republicans might think that voter fraud is rampant in this country, because it seems to be a fairly common occurrence within their own party.

In the last few months, we've learned of quite a few cases of voter fraud -- all of it coming from Republican officials or candidates (even including their presidential candidate, Willard, who put his son's address as his primary residence so he could vote in Massachusetts -- even though he had several homes our-of-state, where he actually lived at the time). Besides Willard's voter fraud in Massachusetts, we have seen other Republicans committing fraud in North Carolina, Indiana, Arizona, and other states. Now there is evidence that a Texas candidate is voting in two different states (Texas & Pennsylvania) in the same elections.

The picture above is of Republican precinct chair and County Commissioner candidate, Bruce Fleming. It seems that Fleming, who was talked into running for County Commissioner of Fort Bend County by the Republican Party chairman of that county, has homes in both Texas and Pennsylvania. And for several elections now, he has been voting in person in Texas and voting by absentee ballot in Pennsylvania -- and doing so is against the law in both states.

The story is now starting to turn into a bonafide scandal here in Texas, with the Houston Chronicle featuring the story prominently in that paper. And Fleming has now hired an attorney, who he says won't let him comment on the matter (conveniently). But I notice there is one thing Fleming has not done. He has not removed his name from the ballot, which should have been done by now.

A funny thing I've noticed about the Republican efforts to stop "voter fraud". Their Voter ID laws would not have stopped or caught any of the type of real voter fraud they have been committing. It would have suppressed a lot of votes among minorities, young people, and the elderly, but it would not have stopped any real voter fraud. That's because they didn't want to stop the real fraud (which they are doing), they just wanted to keep Democrats from voting.

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