Monday, October 15, 2012

This Can't Make Willard Happy

Most of Willard Mitt Romney's opponents have swallowed their pride and climbed on board his campaign wagon (in spite of all the awful thing they said about him during the campaign, and probably still believe). But not all of them. The House's angry old man, Ron Paul, still refuses to endorse the candidacy of Willard. He was recently asked if he now supported Willard, and his answer was a blunt "NO". He went on to say:

“I’ve been in this business a long time and believe me there is essentially no difference from one administration to another no matter what the platforms. The foreign policy stays the same, the monetary policy stays the same, there’s no proposal for any real cuts and both parties support it.”

Now this can't make the Republicans very happy. There was never any possibility that Paul would win the nomination. He simply didn't have enough supporters for that. But he has plenty enough support to keep Willard from winning in November. And if his supporters (which ranged from 10% to more of Republicans, depending on the state) still listen to him (and remember how they were treated at the national convention), they could abandon the party in November. After all, they have an excellent alternative this year in Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

The Paul supporters have never liked or had any respect for Willard. Will they hold their noses and vote for him, or will they vote Libertarian or just stay at home on election day this year?

1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking who gives a shit..he's batshit crazy anyhow.


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