Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How Is This Not Anti-Woman ?


  1. As there are no inverted commas round the statement above only a born-again, lying liar would attribute it to the Republican party. That's the trouble with 'agitprop', it's an insult to anyone with half a brain and only appeals to those with no brain!

    Incidentally, apologies to one or two of your commenters for my failure to respond in what looked like a promising conversation back 'down there' but things move fast on this blog - and I move slow!

  2. I can understand how you, as a Republican, might not like this graphic. But this is the attitude of many of your fellow Republicans -- especially those in Congress.

  3. Well, I'm not a Republican, Ted, just the opposite really being as I am a staunchly patriotic subject of Her Maj! Even so, you do yourself a dis-service by reprinting these cheap slogans, and I would say the same thing on any GOP site which reproduced the same tripe aimed at the Dems. Don't misunderstand, I'm not against a bit of 'bish, bash, bosh' in the political arena but that example is so puerile as to be not worth consideration. The fact is that you would have to go a long day's march to find a serious Republican thinker who would repeat that sort of slogan. You would do better to aim your guns at your *real* enemies not the phantoms!

  4. Sorry, I didn't know you were a subject of the Queen. But puerile or not, the slogan does accurately represent the views of current congressional Republicans. They may not say it, but it's how they vote -- and they should be called out on it in plain language.

  5. how true is this...and people who live in glass houses..Mr. Duff.

  6. "They may not say it" - well, then, neither should you, Ted, unless you want them to put words in your mouth!

    Sorry, Jackie, but I don't understand what you mean by "people who live in glass houses". If you are suggesting that 'over here' in 'This septic Isle' people with strong political views tend to yell 'yah, boo, sucks' at their opponents, then you are entirely right. Stupidity and hot air are all part of the human condition.

    And for the sake of clarity let me state that in considering the three sentences in the slogan, I disagree with the first, agree with the second and third with the exception of the last two words which no gentleman should ever address to a lady - even if she is one!


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