Friday, July 26, 2013

Marijuana Laws Should Be Changed

Marijuana has never been a dangerous drug. In fact, it may be the least dangerous drug we know of, since it is not addictive and an "overdose" cannot cause death. Even common over-the-counter drugs like aspirin are more dangerous than marijuana, and some legal drugs (like alcohol) are far more dangerous.

Marijuana was made illegal for economic reasons (because corporations involved with lumber, cotton, and other things didn't want the competition hemp provided), and for reasons of social control (control of minorities, and later student activists, who dared to challenge the establishment). The government just used the "dangerous" label as an excuse to get the law accepted -- and a lot of the population bought into that lie (and many still do).

It is time to recognize the truth, and legalize the growth, possession, and use of marijuana.


  1. I can't believe that, with all of our problems in the modern world, we still bother with this.

    My suspicion is that the private prison industry is probably what most stands in the way of legalization at this point.

  2. You will also find that he asked the wrong questions.
    How much money does the police and legal departments make from the confiscations that come with mariwanna arrests? So this money would be lost if made legal?


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