Friday, February 14, 2014

Texas Members Of Congress Favor Corporate Polluters

I wish I could say that the members of Congress from Texas have a good record of voting to protect the environment -- but they don't. In fact they have a very poor record. That's because the Texas delegation to the House has 24 Republicans and 12 Democrats. And while some Democrats could do a little better in voting to protect the environment (like Rep. Vela in District 34 who only has a 46% record), even the worst Democrat is much better than any Republican.

The chart above is from the League of Conservation Voters, and it shows the percentage of votes cast to protect the environment by the members of Congress from Texas.

There are only two Republicans with a double-digit number in percentage of votes to protect the environment (Sen. Cruz with 15% and District 4 Rep. Hall with 11%) -- and those tiny percentages leave a lot to be desired. The Republicans have cast their lot with the corporations (oil, gas, coal, energy producers, and others) who are polluting the environment. They have decided that corporate profits are more important than clean air, water, and soil for ourselves and our children and grandchildren -- even though those polluters are making record-breaking profits, and could easily afford to clean up the pollution they produce.

But while the Texas delegation to Congress has a very poor environmental record, they are not the only state with a poor record. Republicans across the nation have scores just as bad, and any state with a GOP-majority in Congress is helping to pollute our environment.

If you would like to see the League of Conservation Voters entire scorecard (and see where your own state stands), you can go to their website. The voting record of Republicans nationwide is abysmal, and as long as they remain in control of the House they will continue to damage our environment (by allowing the polluters to continue their nefarious actions unchecked).

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