Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Gary Peters Extends His Lead In Michigan Senate Race

A few months ago, Michigan looked like a state where the Republicans could grab a Senate seat away from the Democrats. GOP candidate Terri Lynn Land had a slight lead in the polls, and Democrat Gary Peters was struggling to make himself known to all the state's voters. But all that has changed now -- and Peters now holds a 7 point lead (a lead which has been growing in recent weeks).

The problem is that the more the voters learn about Land, the more they dislike her. Last December, her approval rating was +11 (34% to 23%) -- now it is -17 (32% to 49%). To regain the lead, Land would now have to get more than 75% of the undecided vote (a very unlikely scenario). It is still nearly two months until election day, but it looks like Michigan will probably be sending a Democrat to the U.S. Senate.

This information is from a new Public Policy Polling survey -- done between September 4th and 7th of a random sample of 687 likely Michigan voters, and has a margin of error of 3.7 points. The survey also included the Green, Libertarian, and Independence Party candidates.

The two charts below were made with information from that same survey -- and they should also make Democrats a little happier. It seems that the voters in Michigan (like the voters in other states) support raising the minimum wage to at least $10 an hour (by a 24 point margin). And when Michigan voters were asked who they would vote for in the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton held a double-digit lead over all of the leading Republican hopefuls.

1 comment:

  1. one of lands commercials complains that peters is being supported by billionaire tom steyer and how this just screams for special attention to be paid to tom while all the while she is, maybe i should say bought by brothers koch. she has been trying to paint him the hypocrite. hmmm, mirror lately terri?


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