Sunday, November 08, 2015

The Democratic "Forum" Was Better Than Any Debate

On Friday night, MSNBC hosted a "Democratic Forum". It was not a debate, and the candidates did not appear on stage together. Instead, moderator Rachel Maddow did about a 30 minute interview with each of the three Democratic candidates -- Martin O'Malley, Bernie Sanders, and Hillary Clinton.

Maddox did an excellent job. She asked good questions, tough questions, and even some fun questions -- and she gave the candidates the time to fully explain their answers and let them make the case for their candidacy. I think this sealed Maddow's reputation as the best of the talking heads on cable TV news.

So, how did the three candidates do? They all did well. And I like all three of the Democratic candidates. I still support Hillary Clinton for president, but after the forum was over, I am convinced that any of these three Democrats would makes a 1000 times better president than any of the Republicans seeking their nomination.

Thank you MSNBC! I have been critical of political coverage in the mainstream media this year, but this show was very good -- and shows the rest of the media how political coverage should be done.

(NOTE -- the picture above of Rachel Maddow is from


  1. I haven't gotten a chance to see it. I hope I can find it online tomorrow. But I wonder about this statement, "I am convinced that any of these three Democrats would makes a 1000 times better president than any of the Republicans seeking their nomination." Be honest: you were convinced of that before! Looking at the Republicans, it's hard not to say that of three random people you picked up off the street. But it is certainly true of the Democratic candidates. We have three really good people. In the over dozen Republican candidates, they don't have one who comes close.

  2. Ya! So What? A large part of 'mericans not only think that Trump is a genius!!!! But really like being screwed because they are rePUKEians!!!


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