Sunday, March 17, 2019

Democrats Don't Hate Jews (And Jewish Voters Know It)

Speaking to a group of Republican donors about a week ago, Donald Trump told them that "Democrats hate Jewish people", and said he couldn't understand how any Jewish person could vote for a Democrat. He even made the ridiculous brag that if he could run for prime minister of Israel, he would have 98% support.

Why would he make such outrageous claims? For one thing, he was angry that the House Democrats had voted overwhelmingly to oppose all forms of bigotry. He had wanted them to just vote to condemn a muslim representative who questioned support for the policies of the Israeli government (and lobbying groups in the U.S. that support that policy). He wanted to twist that to convince people that Democrats hated Jews.

He was wrong of course. And American Jews know that. They know that while Trump supports Israel, he does not support either religious or ethnic diversity in this country. They have seen him refuse to condemn hate groups (white supremacists, white nationalists, KKK, etc.), and even say that there are "good people" in those groups -- groups that hate Jewish people as much as they hate muslims and minorities and immigrants. They know he supports hate (and his political support for the nation of Israel doesn't alter that fact).

The charts above are from the Gallup Poll. They interviewed 75,669 adults in 2018, and those polls showed the support of religious groups for political parties and for Trump. The margin of error for the survey was 1 point (and between 1 and 4 points for the individual groups).

Note that only 16% of Jewish adults support the Republican Party, while 52% support the Democratic Party (and 31% are Independents). Also, only 26% approve of the job Trump is doing, while 71% disapprove.

1 comment:

  1. in truth, the worst of today's anti semites are the zionists.


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