Thursday, December 21, 2023

Why Is The GOP Turning Against Ukraine (Helping Putin)?

This chart reflects the results of the Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between December 16th and 18th of a nationwide sample of 1,500 adults, with a 3.5 point margin of error. 

The Republican Party used to be strong supporters of democracy across the world (even if they had to impose it with violence). And they used to consider Russia an enemy (especially when it picked on its neighbors). But the party has changed.

Congressional Republicans are currently holding up critical aid to Ukraine's democracy, even though they know this will help Russia in its war against Ukraine. Do they no longer care about authoritarian governments invading democratic countries? Why are they doing this?

The simple answer is Donald Trump.

Trump has always admired dictators, and one of his favorites is Putin of Russia. And Trump has hated Ukraine ever since they refused to help him smear his 2020 opponent (Joe Biden).

Congressional Republicans are afraid of Trump. They know his MAGA base makes up a significant portion of the GOP. Even those in safe Republican districts are afraid Trump will support a MAGA candidate that could unseat them. 

It's a very public display of political cowardice. These Republicans would rather save their jobs by kowtowing to Trump's deviant desires than uphold the traditions of the Republican Party.

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