Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dems Are Having A Good Convention - Now The Work Begins


The Democratic Party is having a great convention - full of joy and hope. And there's good reason for that. They have a very good candidate in Kamala Harris. Meanwhile the Republicans have nominated a terrible candidate - a convicted felon that is disliked by most Americans. And all the polls are trending toward the Democratic candidate. But now the tough part begins.

Being joyous or hopeful doesn't win campaigns. The polls don't win campaigns. And having a poor opponents doesn't insure a campaign win. Those are all good thing, but only one thing wins a campaign - VOTES!

While Trump's fans are a minority of the voting population, they will definitely vote in the coming election - and if too many good people stay home on Election Day, they will win. 

Getting out the vote is now the most important thing Democrats must do. We need a massive turnout. A turnout that insures a victory large enough that even Trump and his acolytes can't claim the election was stolen. We must give Kamala Harris a margin of victory that no one can doubt.

But it doesn't stop there. Just electing Kamala Harris isn't enough. We must also give her a Democratic Congress. If the Republicans win control of either house in Congress, then they will block anything Harris tries to do. None of the country's problems will be solved.

The country faces many problems, but those problems can be solved with a Democratic Congress and a Democrat in the White House. The only way to accomplish that is to vote - and then make sure your friends, family, and neighbors vote. We need a massive turnout on Election Day.

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