Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Emotive Argument -- Backfires?

[Note: I reserve the right to qualify or retract some of the following; I'm really pretty pissed off right now]

2 minutes ago Sen. Hutchison made a statement like the following, on Lehrer's News Hour (not word-for-word, just from memory)

"I have talked to mothers, to wives [of slain soldiers in Iraq], and they grab me and tell me 'Please don't let them have died in vain..."

The distinguished gentlewoman is making an emotionally powerful, but logically vacant, argument for maintenance of the status quo in Iraq, and frankly it gets me pretty pissed off.

Tragic news: some of the thousands of soldiers who have died in Iraq can be said to have "died in vain". But please note carefully:

It is not the people who want to get the hell out of Iraq that are making their deaths "in vain". It was the commander(s) in chief who started a wholly illegitimate war. As I said, it's tragic and it ought to piss you off, in my opinion.

But if I see Sen. Hutchison, I'm going to grab her and tell her "Please don't let any more people die in vain..."

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