Thursday, July 12, 2007

Organized Crime?

At 12:13 this afternoon, my phone rang. A look at the caller id showed that it was my Sooner friend.

CC: Hey, what's up?

Sooner Friend: Are you on lunch?

CC: Just got back. What's going on?

SF: It's kinda stupid, but I had to call you.

CC: That's what I'm here for.

SF: I just heard on the radio that a prostitution ring was broken up in Bedford.

CC: Yeah, I heard about that last night.

SF: Then you know that they only arrested one man and two women.

CC: Mmm hmm...not exactly a "ring".

SF: I think "triangle" would be a better description! How freakin' stupid. You'd think it was a major bust the way they talk about it!

CC: (laughing)

SF: Anyways, that is all I wanted to say. I'll let you go now.

CC: Alright, I'll talk you later.

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