Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lots o' Moles May Mean Slower Aging

According to this article, moley people tend to age better than their not-so-moled counterparts. Wow! Something good may actually come out of my being covered with them from head to toe!

King's College London scientists compared key ageing DNA with the number of moles in a study of 1,800 twins.

They found the more moles a person had, the more likely their DNA was to have the properties to fight off ageing.

And to think people look at me like I'm insane when I say I'll never age past my twenties.
The difference between the two mole groups was equivalent to six to seven years of ageing.
Oops, nevermind. I guess I'll be seeing my thirties after all. Drats!

At least I'll benefit from all the moles.
Dr Kat Arney, of Cancer Research UK, said: "While this is an intriguing finding and deserves further investigation, it's important people know that having a large number of moles can increase your risk of skin cancer.
Well hell! The benefit isn't so great when looked at from that angle!

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