Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another Dumb Republican Idea

The Republican Party has become the party of insane ideas. The teabaggers in Congress want to block raising the debt ceiling. Rep. Rohrabacher wants to clear-cut the rain forests (to cure global warming) and then force Iraq to pay for the United States invasion and occupation of their country. Rep. Ryan (and his House cohorts) want to abolish Medicare. Rick Santorum wants to re-institute "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Michele Bachmann wants to lower corporate taxes to 9% (which is less than middle class Americans pay). And Rick Perry thinks America can just pray away its problems.

Herman Cain has decided he doesn't want to be left out in this mad rush toward political insanity. So he has come up with his own ridiculous proposal. He has decided that the Environmental Protection Agency is not playing nice with the poor corporations by making them stop polluting the air and water -- the same corporations that are registering record profits under the "onerous" EPA regulations.

He has decided a new commission is needed to decide what regulations the EPA should impose on American (and foreign) corporations. And he would appoint the CEOs of the oil, gas, and coal companies to be on that commission. Yes, that's right! He wants to put the worst polluters in the country in charge of the agency trying to stop pollution from destroying our environment. After all, aren't corporate profits more important than breathable air or drinkable water or halting global climate change?

But why stop there? If this is a good idea, then it would also be a good idea to put criminals in charge of making rules for the police, and arsonists in charge of fire departments. This fool would put the foxes, wolves, and coyotes in charge of henhouse security.

This one idea should disqualify him from any consideration as a presidential candidate.


  1. I like your tags for this one Tim - idiot, Republican, stupidity

  2. Instead of bashing republicans, why not throw out some ideas of your own to fix these problems? Just a thought.


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