Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Will Obama Give In To GOP Again ?

Barack Obama has been president for two-and-a-half years now. How long does it take him to learn his lesson? The president has called congressional leaders to the White House to discuss a compromise on increasing the debt ceiling. My question is, what makes him think the Republicans will agree to any kind of compromise?

This is the same party of NO that refused to compromise on health care. They refused to compromise on Wall Street regulation. They refused to compromise on a job creation bill. They refused to compromise on tax cuts for the rich. In fact, I can't think of a single instance where the Republicans have compromised on anything since Obama took office.

The fact is that these Republicans are "true believers" in their teabagger economic nonsense (that cutting programs that help regular Americans and giving more money to the rich will solve all the country's economic problems). And true believers don't compromise. They are absolutely willing to destroy the economy and put the blame on Obama so they can win in 2012.

And maybe a good part of the blame does belong with him. He has refused to stand up to the teabagging Republicans. In fact, he has given in to them too many times. Some might think he was able to work out a compromise on this year's budget. I disagree. All that happened was that Obama and the Democrats gave in and accepted deep cuts that hurt ordinary Americans.

Now Obama and the Democrats are signaling a willingness to make further deep cuts -- if the GOP will agree to some tiny tax raises. They have put in $100 billion in cuts to Medicare and Medicaid over the next 10 years, and the Republicans still refuse to agree to any revenue enhancement.

Even Bill Clinton (certainly no liberal) is urging President Obama to stand firm and "not to blink". But the president is much more afraid of failing to raise the debt ceiling than the Republicans are (even though Wall Street is begging them to raise it). Obama will blink -- again! I wish I could believe he'll stand firm for ordinary Americans, but I don't. It would be a radical departure from his past actions to do so. It would require a backbone, and he's not shown us any evidence that he has one.

There are many progressives that are disappointed in Obama, but say the GOP alternative is much worse. Is it? Does it really matter who is in the White House if Obama is going to continue to give the Republicans whatever they want? If GOP "trickle-down" economic policy is to be continued, does it matter whether a Republican president does it or a Democratic president? The country (and the economy) is screwed either way.

If the president gives in again to the Republicans, I honestly don't know if I can bring myself to vote for him again. I really don't know.


  1. THIS time, Obama had better damn well stand firm! He is starting to look wimpy, like he's some kind of GOP whipping boy!

  2. did someone clip his balls when he took office?

  3. I am just about done with Obama.

    Years ago, I used to run around saying that we had two wings of a single party, and that those two wings agreed on everything that the corporations really cared about.

    Then, the Bush Administration made me forget that for a little while.

    Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are the two most successful and worthy government programs in the history of this country. If he screws with those - something Bush failed to do - then I'll vote Green next year.


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