Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Obamacare Enrollment Is Growing Fast

The Republicans have tried hard to kill the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). They have voted to repeal it about 40 times (but couldn't get it approved by the Senate). They have urged people to refuse to sign-up for insurance (a hard-hearted approach that shows how little they care for people, since this would leave those who listened to them in danger of being unable to access needed health care, or having to declare bankruptcy for the care they did get).

They have tried to convince people that Obamacare was a socialist health care system (which is just a lie, since Obamacare will leave most Americans with insurance from a private company). They have even tried to attack the health exchange website with cyber attacks (to prevent people from being able to buy insurance). But all of their efforts have been fruitless.

The number of people who are signing up for the better and cheaper insurance offered due to the Affordable Care Act is growing fast. It started slow, with only a little over 106,000 people purchasing insurance in October. That was due to the glitches in the government website. But those glitches are being fixed, and more people are taking advantage of that to buy insurance. The number of people who have bought health insurance through the government website grew to over 360,000 by the end of November -- and currently, more than 1,000,000 Americans have used the website to purchase private insurance.

While it is now too late to buy insurance that will take effect by January 1st, I have no doubt that these numbers will continue to grow ever faster in the next three months. And this is bad news for the Republicans, who are basing their election hopes on Obamacare's failure.

The earliest they could possibly repeal Obamacare is 2017 (by winning the White House in 2016). That's because even if they were somehow able to flip the Senate in 2014, they would be unable to get passed any presidential veto on repeal any sooner. But 2017 is going to be too late. By then, many millions of Americans will realize the Republicans have been lying to them -- because by then they will have enjoyed better and cheaper health insurance for several years. And there's no way the GOP could repeal Obamacare, and take that better and cheaper insurance away from Americans.

They tried hard to defeat Obamacare. They pulled every dirty trick in the book to keep it from being successful. But they have failed -- and soon, there will be nothing they can do but admit defeat.

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