Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Walmart Makes The Grinch Look Like a Bleeding-Heart Liberal Philanthropist

(The image above is from the website

The most Scrooge-like corporation has to be Walmart, but continue their greed all year around. They aren't happy with just making billions in profit, they take that to an obscene level by abusing their employees with a wage that is too low to live on and by forcing the the American taxpayers to supplement those poverty wages.

That alone would be enough to put Walmart on the naughty list. But they don't stop there. It turns out that they are now trying to squeeze political donations out of their employees -- not for the political party or candidates the workers might prefer, but for the political preferences of the corporation's owners and executives.

Since it is illegal for the corporation to donate money directly to political action committees (PAC's), the company has found a way to make sure those PAC's get donations. They have made any company donations to the company employee hardship fund (a hardship created by company policies) contingent upon the employees donating to the PAC's preferred by the company. The company promises to donate $2 to the employee hardship fund for every $1 donated to right-wing PAC's.

Making matters even worse is the fact that the employees are being forced to donate to PAC's that support the Republican candidates -- the same candidates opposing any minimum wage raise and supporting drastic cuts to social programs. In other words, the employees must donate to the party that would make their precarious economic situation even worse.

As the story goes, the grinch had a heart that was two sizes too small, but the owners and executives of Walmart make even that small a heart look huge -- since they seem to have no heart at all. I would say they should be ashamed of themselves, but like other right-wingers, they don't seem to have a sense of shame.


  1. Makes the so-called *greedy unions* look like pikers. Geeze, I can't believe this is legal.


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