Saturday, January 04, 2014



  1. ...while covering Cialis, Viagra, etc. for male employees. It's also discriminatory.

  2. How do tax-payers pay for churches?

    No, really, I'm jest askin' because I'm curious.

    1. By the fact that the US gov'mint pays out $71M out of our tax money to various churches.
      By the fact that no churches pay the same real estate taxes as I have to for my house.
      By the fact that as a secular charity I have to waste money filling out reams of paperwork PROVING where the money goes and churches don't have to do anything except lie about it.
      So altogether there is about a few BILLION that we have to cover cuz they don't!!!

  3. I realise you don't have too much time or even, possibly, too much interest, in what goes on 'over here' but in President Hollande of France you have a man who is really trying hard to implement the sort of socialism that you would advocate so I feel it my duty to keep you posted on the outcomes.


ANONYMOUS COMMENTS WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. And neither will racist,homophobic, or misogynistic comments. I do not mind if you disagree, but make your case in a decent manner.

Hispanic Voters Prefer Harris Over Trump

  The charts above are from a Pew Research Center survey that questioned 691 Hispanic registered voters between August 26th and September 2...