Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Not Posting For Today

I apologize for not posting for today, but I spent the entire day on Tuesday working at my voting precinct -- and I'm dead tired. I'm going to get a good night's rest, and I'll be back to posting tomorrow.

It doesn't seem to have been a very good night for Democrats in Tuesday's election. I'll have more to say about that tomorrow.


  1. I talked with the Democrat workers at the voting site and watched as more people came to the rePUKEian area then the dem area. Its sad to think the rePUKEians are winning in NC but not surprising as they are VERY bigoted and hateful here.

  2. I should stay in bed if I were you, Ted, it's a freezing cold November, er, if you're Democrat, that is!

  3. Hmmmmmmn, LL, you mean like all those "VERY bigoted and hateful " Republicans in Utah who just elected the first black woman to the House. Something the Democrats *might* have got around to - in time! Anyway, keep your voice down, our host is still in a state of shock, poor chap!

  4. When I say they are hateful & bigoted, I mean as a party, just like bigoted-hateful xtians there are some that are better than their BS religion. But you seem to forget the Dems elected a prez, so they trump your House dude. But then she is a rePUKEian so I don't think much of her. And in UTAH?!?!?! Really!?!?! And just how do you think the Dems could get ANYONE elected in that state of max bigots??? Only maximally bigoted Aholes would spend $12000000 to stop gay marriage in Calif.


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