Saturday, April 05, 2008

Clintons No Longer "Middle-Class"

The Clintons have released their tax returns from 2000 through 2006. They haven't filed the 2007 return yet, but have asked for an extension. Now we can begin to understand why they waited until most of the primaries and caucuses were over before they made the information public.

Both of the Clintons are quick to point out to campaign crowds that they came from humble beginnings, and that is true. But the impression they try to leave that they are just like the middle-class crowds that they are talking to is no longer true.

It used to be true. Back in 1999, the Clintons had an income of $416,039, which put them at the upper end of the middle-class. But since the year 2000, the Clintons have made $109 million. That puts them among the rich now.

Since leaving office, Bill Clinton has made $51.85 million in speaking fees (charging from $100,000 to $450,000 per speaking engagement). He has also made $29.6 million from his two books. Hillary Clinton has made $10.5 million in book income and nearly $1 million from being a senator. The other $16-17 million is from "other sources and investments".

The Republican candidate, John McCain, would also like for voters to think he is not rich. He declares income of $169,300 as a senator and $56,000 from his Navy pension. What he doesn't talk about is the $100 million worth of his wife's holdings.

The least rich of the three presidential candidates is Barack Obama. But even he made nearly $1 million in 2006, and probably as much in 2007. None of the three candidates are hurting financially.

It makes me wonder if any of them can truly understand how devastating this economy has been to working and middle-class families.

1 comment:

  1. 400k is not upper middle class. That is in the top 1% of household incomes. American Middle Class.


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