Monday, July 14, 2008

"Abstinence-Only" Is Hurting Texas Teens

Back in 1995, Democrat Garnet Coleman introduced legislation that would allow the teaching on abstinence in sex education programs in Texas schools. He said it was introduced and passed because Democrats were afraid that Republicans would do away with sex education altogether. Unfortunately, that's exactly what has happened anyway.

Texas students are now taught that abstinence is the only course of action for those who are not married. They are not taught how to use condoms, and the rules prevent the demonstration of how to put a condom on. The only thing they're taught about condoms is that they "often fail" (which is a lie). They are not taught that condoms can prevent both pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases.

Our state Republican leaders have decided to teach their religious beliefs instead of proper sex education. They would rather see our teenagers get pregnant and contract sexually-transmitted diseases, than to teach them how they can avoid both.

I have no problem with encouraging abstinence among our teens, but it needs to be accompanied by real sex education that will show them how to protect themselves if they don't practice abstinence.

Last year, Texas accepted $17 million from the federal government to teach "abstinence-only". Since 1982, Texas has spent $117 million to teach "abstinence-only" -- more than any other state. And what has it gotten us? Texas has 53% of its students in 9th thru 12th grade that have had sex. In fact, Texas leads the nation in teen pregnancies.

Twenty-two other states have realized that "abstinence-only" simply does not work. They have turned down the federal funds and begun to teach real sex education. But not Texas. A spokesman for Governor Perry says, "The governor is comfortable with the current law and supports abstinence programs." There is no hope of change until the Republican state leadership has been ousted.

This is just one more reason to vote Democratic this November (and again in two years). The Republicans would rather hurt our children than admit they've made a mistake.


  1. Has anyone looked at the number of teens in Texas who admit to underage drinking and drug use. If more kids in Texas are drinking and using then it would make sense that any safe sex message would not work or be at complete fault for the teen pregnancy rate. Overall health measures should be used to keep drug, alcohol use down and in doing so, any message about safe sex would stick a little better. But that would make too much sense so let's blame a conservative view point and let kids do risky things because they are going to anyways. Let's teach them how to drive at high speeds in the safest manner since they are going to drive fast anyways.

  2. Are you really saying it's OK to not teach our kids how to protect themselves because some of them drink and take drugs? That makes no sense.

  3. The issue is about teaching abstinence only and the failure of that to reduce teen sex and pregnancy. It is a religious teaching, as noted, and one backed by the religious right. I assume "anonymous" is conservative and not willing to accept the obvious fallacy of abstinence only non-sex education perpetuated by the wing-nuts on the right.. Also, A fallacy of the arguement(one of many) is that use of drugs and driving fast are not normal human behaviors that are biologically driven. I have talked seen literally at least one hundred teens over the years who are so sexually naieve that it astounds me. And most of them are sexually active. Something must be done to protect Texas youth.


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