Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Repubs' Bumper Sticker Contest Winner

In an effort to try and drum up some excitement among their faithful, the Texas Republican Party just held a contest to come up with a bumper sticker for the presidential campaign. It was obvious even to the contestants that putting a positive message about either McCain or Bush was not going to be effective. So, true to their party's values, they decided to go negative (no surprise there).

They claim to have had an overwhelming response to the contest, but if so, then I'd have to say there was a remarkable lack of originality. They've decided to go with a version of the tired old idea about Democrats and taxes. The winning bumper sticker is pictured above. Is that really the best they could come up with?

After the actions of the so-called "conservative" currently occupying the White House, I can't believe the people will be accepting that worn-out argument this time. Bush has spent more than any other president ever and cut taxes only for the rich. In addition, he has destroyed the economy. The price of gas and food has gone through the roof, the housing market is in a shambles and over 500,000 jobs have been lost just in the last six months.

I seriously doubt that bumper sticker will convince anyone of the sanity of Republican economic policies.


  1. How funny!!!!!!! And Stupid!!!!!

    When you are behind a car with this bumper sticker all you see is OBAMA FOR CHANGE.

    Dumbass republicans

  2. Lies Lies Lies!

  3. CT-
    It must be hard to be a Republican this year. I almost feel sorry for you.

  4. If you look at income distribution during Republican versus Democratic controlled years, the vast majority of people do much better in Democratic years.

    CT, how did you spend your Bush tax cut? On higher food prices, higher fuel prices, higher interest rates, higher healthcare costs, or tolls on the roads you already paid for?

    I'd rather vote Democratic and have more money in my pocket, even if I do have to pay my fair share of taxes.

  5. There was no tax cut. Unfunded mandates of the socialist on both sides of the aile don't get repealed. When the fed cuts money to the states the states just raise taxes. How much did your property tax go up this year? Apparantly mine gained over 20,000. Which is ridiculous. All so some welfare bum can sit on their ass doing nothing.

  6. CT, an Irish Republican? Doesn't happen in my family but I suppose anything is possible.

    Republicans don't seem to think anything thru to its logical conclusion. They love chanting "dems tax!". I suppose "pay as you go" is a difficult concept for folks in love with spending by creating mind-boggling deficits.

    As long as the war machine is in full out wackaloon spending mode and the final bill won't come due for a bit, then everything is fine with them, I suppose.

    Even an ole' country broad like me knows ya can't keep writing thousand dollar checks while you only have four cents in the bank. Eventually, someone will object a might and you'll end up in the hoosegow. This Republican bunch doesn't seem to understand basic concepts like this one. If you don't want new about curbing your economy breaking deficit war spending?

    How any Republican can talk about spending or taxes or even claim to be conservative and maintain a straight face has to be one of the conundrums for our current political climate.

    China now owns one trillion of our debt. That's trillion with a Captial T. According to PBS, that debt is in the form of US T Bills. And republicans are worried that dems will tax? This one fact alone, if thought thru...should keep you awake at night more thoroughly than anything dems might want to do.... like make EVERYONE pay their fair share of the cost of things.

    I'm all for a straight forward no nonsense flat tax rate for all. No deductions... no loopholes... no get out of jail free for offshore. I believe we'd all come out better in the long run financially.


  7. Your facts are screwed up again CT. Property taxes do not fund welfare. (Income taxes do.)

    If you're unhappy about property taxes, you can blame your state and local REPUBLICANS!

  8. I am the one who supplied the winning bumper sticker. I would just like to get a simple "Well Done" from my party. How 'bout it? Kyle Wyatt

  9. Which party are you in?

    If you're a Democrat, WELL DONE!

    If you're a Republican, you screwed up big-time.


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