Friday, November 07, 2008

What's Wrong With Californians ?

What on earth happened in California on election night? You people are supposed to be blue-staters who believe in equality and equal rights for everyone, so how is it that you all of a sudden decide that gays shouldn't have the same rights as everyone else?

Now I know that some of you think you are protecting the "sanctity" of marriage, but that's just a load of crap. Please explain to me exactly how allowing gays to marry hurts marriage or anything else. Just how are you being damaged by someone else getting married? No one I ask has been able to answer that question.

The truth is that someone else's marriage doesn't have anything to do with you. It doesn't harm you, and it doesn't harm your religion. By supporting proposition 8, you didn't protect anything because nothing was in danger. What you really did was to say there is a class of human beings that shouldn't have the same rights that you do.

Must you people always have some people that you feel superior to? Why can't you just accept that everyone should have equal rights? Is it really that difficult a concept?


  1. "Must you people always have some people that you feel superior to?"

    I think that is a huge part of the problem.

    It is one way that racism was sold in the south. The poorest white sharecropper could still be convinced that his life of poverty was acceptable because he was taught that at least he was better than ANY black man.

    In an age of apathy, religious leaders found another minority to defile which guaranteed increased attendance AND increased tithing by focusing on the evil gay people.

    It's a theme common in the history of man. Motivate and control people by giving them someone to hate. It's even better if you can claim that "God said!" while you're at it.

    Menopausal Mick

  2. Speaking of bigotry... I've had the WORST day. People are making terrible jokes full of hatred here, locally.

    The backlash from the election is pretty extreme. People are publicly using the worst racial epithets in jokes that basically threaten the life of our President-Elect.

    I now have to stop shopping in what was my favorite local hardware store. I couldn't believe what I heard while I was there today. I'm still sort of in shock.

    We really angered the local Republican stronghold. We managed to get a candidate for sheriff defeated. He had promised to round up all the gays and lesbians and run them out of the county.

    Why oh why... do people.. have to hate?

    I guess I can take some comfort in the fact that enough people voted against this guy to keep him out of office. That's something, I guess.

    Menopausal Mick

  3. Sorry to hear about the racism you encountered (and that's what it was - not joking).
    Maybe if all the decent people would refuse to spend any money in stores that put up with that behavior (and let them know your business is going elsewhere), things would change.
    I've decided I'm too old to put up with that kind of crap anymore!

  4. it always seems like progress is 2 steps forward and three steps back but we are making progress as a country toward gay rights. 10 years ago no one would have even discussed marriage rights for gays but now, even though it is being thwarted for the moment, it is going to happen. it's just a matter of time.


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