Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Hat

They announced Aretha Franklin would be singing "My Country Tis Of Thee", and then the great lady came out. I have to admit that the first thing I saw was that hat. It kind of took my breath away. And yet, she looked great in it!

But maybe I'm prejudiced. I absolutely love Aretha Franklin, and I have for years. What do you guys think? Great hat, or over the top?

I suspect that Aretha may be the only person in the world who can wear that hat and look that good doing it.


  1. Miss Aretha is a grand ole' broad. The best thing about being a grand ole' broad is that we can wear any dang hat we want and be secure in the knowledge that even if some yahoo decides he doesn't like the look of it, he'll likely NOT have the huevos to mention his disdain in person.

    My favorite hat is an ancient straw bocephus of a hat that I'm sure only me and the dog fully appreciate.

    Menopausal Mick

  2. I am totally in agreement with you, jobs! I am a huge Aretha fan and I adored her hat. Yesterday I went to look for her performance on YouTube but it wasn't up yet. I'm going to check again, and if it's there, I'll post it on my blog.

  3. MM-
    As usual, you cut to the heart of the matter.

    It would make a great post. Her performance was, as usual, extraordinary.

  4. Aretha wears it well.

    Everyone wants to party with Aretha!!!


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